Enjoy The Activities & Make New Friends

by Henry MacDougall
As the summer comes to an end, it is once again time to start thinking about the school year ahead. But the King George school community is not all about academics. As a member of a few of the KG clubs, I can walk you through the selection of extracurriculars that King George has to offer. 

But before I begin, a few benefits of belonging to a club: Being in a club can help you feel happier and give you a way to meet new friends who share a common interest, while also giving you something to do in your free time.

Here’s a few of the clubs KG has offered in the past.

  • The Interact Club, a public service and volunteering club sponsored by Rotary International, an organization dedicated to creating better life standards everywhere.

  • Another cool club offered by KG is the Student Council. They are a group that manages events in the school community.

  • Yet another awesome club is the Archives club. This club maintains a small museum where objects of the school’s history are displayed.

  • The Dungeons and Dragons club is another fun group. This club offers weekly meetings where members can participate in the role-playing game.

  • A cool club that I am in is the Jazz Band club. This club does a weekly practice and jam session.

  • Another musical club is the Girls’ Jam. This is an all-girls music club with weekly jams. The musical clubs at King George welcome musicians of different skill levels.

KG also offers sports programs to enthusiastic young athletes. The biggest sport at KG is no doubt basketball. The school has  junior and senior teams with a tradition of high achievement.

Another sport popular among King George students is volleyball, and the program here does not disappoint.

KG also has a very successful soccer program, with junior and senior girls and boys programs. Run by Mr. Yee, one of our awesome math teachers, is the badminton team. Mr. Yee happens to be an accomplished badminton player himself.

Other sports offered by KG are track and field and cross country.

Please keep in mind that clubs and sports teams need a teacher sponsor or supervisor to stay running.

If you have an idea for a club that doesn’t already exist, you can contact the office to receive your application. Keep an eye on the bulletin boards in the hallways for new clubs that you can join.

Good luck in the school year ahead everyone! And remember – joining an extracurricular adds to your school experience and is a great way to meet new friends.



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Kevin Dale McKeown
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