Second Beach Pool circa 1923.
(click on images to enlarge)

Twenty years later, in the 40s.

As the authorities consider the pros and cons of opening some of our parks and pools, we thought we’d share a story we ran in 2018 about Stanley Park’s Second Beach pool.

Relief From Summer In The City!

Back in the day, and we’re talking the 1920s, long before the pool was built, Second Beach was a popular camping and swimming destination, with a sprinkling of summer cottages and trails for horse riding.

By the 1930 camping had been banned for obvious sanitation reasons, and that year a large "draw and fill" saltwater swimming pool was built. It operated on the principle of fresh seawater being drawn into the pool and then drained and refreshed after a week's use.

And just the other day!

The draw and fill pool was a great investment for the City and Parks Board, in use until its replacement with the present heated pool in 1995.